Biographies of Footballers
- History of ARSENAL FC
- James Allen
- George Allison
- Humphrey Babour
- Alf Baker
- Spencer Bassett
- Cliff Bastin
- Joseph Bates
- Fred Beardsley
- Bob Benson
- Tommy Black
- Billy Blythe
- Ray Bowden
- Jimmy Brain
- Charlie Buchan
- Bobby Buist
- Jack Butler
- Herbert Chapman
- J. M. Charteris
- Tim Coleman
- Leslie Compton
- Denis Compton
- Peter Connolly
- Wilf Copping
- Harold Crawford
- Jack Crayston
- David Danskin
- Ted Drake
- Andy Ducat
- Bert Freeman
- William Garbutt
- Eddie Hapgood
- Bill Harper
- Richard Horsington
- Joe Hulme
- George Hunt
- Caesar Jenkyns
- Bob John
- Bryn Jones
- Charlie Jones
- Leslie Jones
- Bernard Joy
- Alf Kirchen
- Leslie Knighton
- Jack Lambert
- Tommy Lawton
- Dan Lewis
- Reg Lewis
- Tom Parker
- Ted Platt
- Joseph Powell
- Sidney Pugh
- George Male
- James Maxwell
- John McBean
- Andy Neil
- Henry Norris
- James Ramsay
- Herbie Roberts
- Leigh Roose
- Percy Sands
- Charlie Satterthwaite
- Laurie Scott
- William Scott
- Thomas Shanks
- Jimmy Sharp
- Joe Shaw
- Harry Storer
- George Swindin
- Bobby Templeton
- Robert (Bob) Wall
- Tom Whittaker
- Wattie Aitkenhead
- Willie Almond
- George Anderson
- Walter Anthony
- Herbie Arthur
- Jimmy Ashcroft
- Wattie Aitkenhead
- Matthew Barrass
- John Barton
- Jack Beattie
- Alex Bell
- Joe Beverley
- Tom Booth
- Adam Bowman
- Billy Bradshaw
- Thomas Brandon
- Tommy Briercliffe
- Jimmy Brown
- Jack Bruton
- Harry Campbell
- George Chapman
- Harry Chippendale
- Lawrence Cotton
- Arthur Cowell
- Bob Crompton
- Ellis Crompton
- Billy Davies
- Percy Dawson
- George Dewar
- Jimmy Douglas
- Bob Evans
- Harry Fecitt
- John Forbes
- James Forrest
- Patrick Gordon
- John Gow
- Doctor Greenwood
- Coombe Hall
- Fred Hargreaves
- John Hargreaves
- Jamie Haydock
- Jamie Haydock
- Harry Healless
- Joe Hodkinson
- John Horne
- Kelly Houlker
- Jack Hunter
- John Inglis
- John Lewis
- Joseph Lofthouse
- Harry Marshall
- Jack Martin
- Samuel McClure
- Hugh McIntyre
- Billy McOwen
- Robert Middleton
- Tom Mitchell
- John Winning Murray
- Adam Ogilvie
- Rowland Pennington
- Fred Pentland
- Bob Pryde
- Alf Robinson
- Jack Roscamp
- Ronnie Sewell
- Danny Shea
- Jock Simpson
- Jack Southworth
- James Southworth
- Joe Sowerbutts
- Fergie Suter
- Ernie Thompson
- Billy Townley
- Peter Turnbull
- Albert Walmsley
- Joseph Walmsley
- Nat Walton
- James Whitehead
- Arnold Whiteside
- Arnie Whittaker
- Sam Wolstenholme
- History of BOLTON
- John (Jack) Atkinson
- Malcolm Barrass
- Harold Blackmore
- William (Billy) Butler
- Joseph Cassidy
- Henry (Harry) Goslin
- George Eastham
- Alexander Finney
- Ernie Forrest
- Charles Foweraker
- Lol Hamlett
- Stan Hanson
- Bob Haworth
- Don Howe
- Harry Hubbick
- Jack Hurst
- William Ithell
- David Jack
- Robert Jack
- Billy Jennings
- David (Di) Jones
- John Barbour
- George Bargh
- Bob Batey
- Frank Beresford
- Albert Butterworth
- John Cox
- Edward Critchley
- Jimmy Dougal
- Jack Fairbrother
- George Fitton
- Frank Gallimore
- Leonard Gallimore
- William Gerrish
- Alex Gibson
- John Gordon
- John Graham
- William Greer
- Alex Hair
- Thomas Hamilton
- George Harrison
- Vincent Hayes
- Bob Holmes
- Billy Hough
- Robert Howarth
- Lincoln Hyde
- Robert Jack
- William Jessop
- Robert Langton
- Henry Lowe
- William Luke
- Jimmy Maxwell
- Peter McBride
- James McIntosh
- Andrew McLaren
- Billy Mercer
- Robert Mills-Roberts
- John Morley
- David Morris
- Hugh O'Donnell
- Francis O'Donnell
- Freddie Osborn
- John Palethorpe
- Charlie Parker
- John Pears
- Albert Quantrill
- Archie Rawlings
- Frank Richards
- Norman Robson
- Nick Ross
- David Russell
- William John Scott
- Tom Smith
- George Ternent Stephenson
- Samuel Thompson
- James Trainer
- Les Vernon
- George Waddell
- Jack Warner
- Richard Watmough
- Rowland Woodhouse
- Tommy Allison
- Herbert Ashton
- Herbert Bamlett
- William Barnes
- James Bigden
- William Biggar
- Fred Blackburn
- Joe Blythe
- Tom Bradshaw
- Billy Bridgeman
- Tommy Caldwell
- John Campbell
- Frank Cannon
- Albert Carnelly
- Christopher Carrick
- George Chalkley
- William Chamberlain
- William Chapman
- David Clark
- Joe Cockroft
- Charles Cotton
- Fred Corbett
- Charles Craig
- Charlie Dove
- Tommy Dunn
- Aubrey Fair
- Bob Fairman
- Arthur Featherstone
- Freddie Fenton
- Jack Fletcher
- Jack Flynn
- Thomas Freeman
- David Furnell
- David Gardner
- Billy Grassan
- George Gresham
- Fred Griffiths
- Fred Harrison
- Alfred Harwood
- Sam Hay
- Arnold Hills
- George Hilsdon
- Henry Hird
- Fergus Hunt
- Len Jarvis
- William Jones
- Bill Joyce
- Albert Kaye
- William Kennedy
- Syd King
- Matt Kingsley
- George Kitchen
- Peter Kyle
- Thomas Lee
- David Lindsay
- James Lindsay
- William Linward
- David Lloyd
- Herbert Lyon
- Ken McKay
- William McCartney
- Roderick McEachrane
- Peter McManus
- Fred Mercer
- Hugh Monteith
- Tommy Moore
- George Neil
- Walter Parks
- Francis Payne
- Charlie Paynter
- Frank Piercy
- Dick Pudan
- George Radcliffe
- Tommy Randall
- Tom Robinson
- Jimmy Reid
- James Reid
- John Russell
- George Sage
- Charlie Satterthwaite
- Danny Shea
- Charlie Simmons
- Harry Stapley
- Arthur Stallard
- Robert Stevenson
- Johnny Stewart
- William Stewart
- Archie Taylor
- Walter Tranter
- Lionel Watson
- George Webb
- Harry Wilkinson
- Arthur Winterhalder
- Bill Wildman
- John Woods
- William Yenson
- Robert Young
- Wolverhampton Wanderers
- Emilio Aldecoa Gómez
- George Ashall
- Billy Barraclough
- Don Bilton
- Peter Broadbent
- Cameron Buchanan
- Frank Buckley
- Billy Bridgeman
- Eddie Clamp
- Gordon Clayton
- Mark Crook
- William Crook
- Stanley Cullis
- Norman Deeley
- Dickie Dorsett
- Jimmy Dunn
- Ron Flowers
- Tom Galley
- Joe Gardiner
- Noel George
- Johnny Hancocks
- Billy Hartill
- Reg Hollingsworth
- Des Horne
- Kenneth Hunt
- Teddy Maguire
- David Martin
- Bobby Mason
- Bill Morris
- Jimmy Mullen
- Jimmy Murray
- William Parker
- Roy Pritchard
- Jesse Pye
- Dai Richards
- Eric Robinson
- Joe Rooney
- Alex Scott
- Bill Shorthouse
- Bill Slater
- Tom Smalley
- Sammy Smyth
- Terry Springthorpe
- Eddie Stuart
- Roy Swinbourne
- Jack Taylor
- Jimmy Utterson
- Dennis Westcott
- Bert Williams
- Dennis Wilshaw
- Billy Wrigglesworth
- Billy Wright