The Medieval Bow

Bows were used by both Anglo-Saxons and the Normans. It was the weapon used by soldiers of low rank. In the Battle of Hastings only one archer is wearing a hauberk and metal helmet. The bow in the 11th century was about 50 centimetres (20 inches) long and was made of yew or ash wood. The bow was only pulled back to the chest and had a killing range of about 90 metres (100 yards).

The Normans also used a small, horizontal cross-bow at the Battle of Hastings. The bolt was laid in a groove along the top of the wooden tiller. The bolt was released by pressing a trigger.

At the end of the 12th century the longbow began to replace the bow as a military weapon.

Section 55: Normans using mace, double-edged swords, lancesand bows at the Battle of Hastings (Bayeux Tapestry, c. 1090)
Section 55: Normans using mace, double-edged swords, lances
and bows at the Battle of Hastings (Bayeux Tapestry, c. 1090)